Risk Management

Protecting your budget with a laser focus on both mitigating risks and realising opportunities

We create bespoke risk and opportunity registers with clear plans to make a difference. With traditional risk and opportunity values upto 25% of project values it is critical you dedicate a resource to mitigate risks and realise opportunities.
Our experience of doing this Client side and Contractor side allows us to identify all costs and focus our management on the biggest risks

What we do!

  • We review all documentation, past performance, industry developments and our experience of delivery to create bespoke risk and opportunities registers
  • Opportunities are as important as risk allowing clients and Contractors to make cost and time savings with early intervention
  • We cost interventions to ensure the cost of realising the mitigation or opportunity is factored into the plan


  • Costed risk registers
  • Clear pathways realise results
  • Focus on the right risks at the right stage of the project
  • Unbiased advice for Clients
  • Contractor and client side knowledge
  • Deep experience in D&B, construct only, 2 stage and ECI arrangements – NEC and JCT
  • Examples include; £140m Carlisle Southern Link Road and >£300m technology contracts


“The clarity and presentation of the risks and opportunities is allowing us to make considered decisions around our pricing. We couldn’t have done this without the work you have done’’

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